I don't want to catch my own clones. smile

on ^!*:JOIN:#: {
  var %clone = $address($nick,2) | var %m = $nick(#,0) | var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %m) {
    if (%clone == $address($nick(#,%i),2)) {
      if ($nick != $nick(#, %i)) { echo -l $chan $nick(#,%i) ( $+ $remove($address($nick(#,%i),1),*!*) $+ ) is a clone of $nick }
    inc %i

This will reply:
Paven (balle@85.19.*) is a clone of Paven1
Paven2 (balle@85.19.*) is a clone of Paven1
(Feb 12 00:37:50) * Paven1 (balle@85.19.*) has joined #channel

How to get the last line (join) to be first?
(Feb 12 00:37:50) * Paven1 (balle@85.19.*) has joined #channel
Paven (balle@85.19.*) is a clone of Paven1
Paven2 (balle@85.19.*) is a clone of Paven1

One last thing, how to get the clones in one line?
And then the replys will show:
(Feb 12 00:37:50) * Paven1 (balle@85.19.*) has joined #channel
Paven and Paven2 is clones of Paven1

If there is more than 3 clones:
Paven, Paven2 and Paven3 is clones of Paven1

And if just one clone:
Paven is a clone of Paven1