please have the font have disability in addition to default font.

i am legally blind.

30pt font is not large enough, often when i lose my space-material glasses it takes me days to find them, and i can not afford to buy a new pair.

i need 150pt to 300pt to be able to read at a reasonable distance.

also please have nick list and user input bar be separate font setttings.

in addition to disability font, allowing text color/backdrop color to be tied as white text with pure blue backdrop for disability setting would be a plus too, as this is highly visible as per why blueprints use such colors.

ability for enhanced doubled-bold would be a plus too.

windows max allowed font size is 300pt i believe.

the old mirc used to be able to perform 300pt in buffer.

in addition allowing non-line wrap with disability and adding auto horizontal scroll speed and controls for non-wrap would be a plus too.

also allowing multiple rows of channel tabs would be a plus, as i often am unable to identify channel tabs due to their compaction from too many open channels or servers.

in addition allowing element colors (channel tabs and windows etcetra) to be assigned to specific servers would be another plus, as often i am embarrassed due to errors with my touch tablet coming out of screen saver, resulting in ending up in the wrong tab, and no clues what channel i am in.

also please allow ban, invite, and exception lists to be previewed before entering a channel if this is possible.

also allow logging of status panes to their own independent logs folder, and for god's sake provide host masks of users on join with user names in the channel/status log as option!

thank you.
Blinder than a bat, and Dumber than a snake