Not true, if you take a peek when theres a specific info delete like Channel it writes channel: in place with blank data, then the replace feature writes channel: + data therefore the actual line is never deleted...

  if ($$1 isnum) && ($$2 == Channel) {
    var %x = $read(ty.txt,nw,$+(*[,$$1,]*))
    .write -l $+ $calc($readn + 3) ty.txt Channel:
  if ($$1 isnum) && ($$2 == Address) {
    var %x = $read(ty.txt,nw,$+(*[,$$1,]*))
    .write -l $+ $calc($readn + 3) ty.txt Address:
  if ($$1 isnum) && ($$2 == Nickname) {
    var %x = $read(ty.txt,nw,$+(*[,$$1,]*))
    .write -l $+ $calc($readn + 3) ty.txt Nickname:


+ I wrote it in less then 20 mins. I could even make it really smaller if i choosed too laugh

Something im really formiliar with is manipulation of .txt files or online data.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }