Why in the world wouldn't you use a better method of saving the data? An INI file or hash table would cut the script down to only 10 or so lines.

Anyhow, here.

alias findinfo {
  if ($1 !isnum) { echo -a ERROR:  Invalid format. | return }
  var %Section = $read(Data.txt,w,$chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93))
  if (%Section == $null) { echo -a ERROR: That section number is not available. | return }
  var %Data = $read(Data.txt,$calc($readn + 1))
  while (: isin %Data) {
    var % $+ $gettok(%Data,1,58) $gettok(%Data,2-,58)
    var %Data = $read(Data.txt,$calc($readn + 1))
  if ($2) {
  var %cnt = 2
  while (%cnt <= $0) {
    var %Output = %Output $(% $+ $($ $+ %cnt,2),2)
    inc %cnt
  return %Output
  else {
    return $1 $+ $iif(%Nickname,$chr(44) $+ $v1) $+ $iif(%Address,$chr(44) $+ $v1) $+ $iif(%Channel,$chr(44) $+ $v1)

alias writeinfo {
  if (!$1) { echo -a ERROR: Invalid format. | return }
  var %cnt = 1
  if ($exists(Data.txt)) {
    filter -ffcu Data.txt Data.tmp [*
    while ($read(Data.tmp,w,$chr(91) $+ %cnt $+ $chr(93))) {
      inc %cnt
    .remove Data.tmp
  write Data.txt $+([, %cnt ,])
  write Data.txt Nickname: $1
  if ($2) { write Data.txt Address: $2 }
  if ($3) { write Data.txt Channel: $3 }

alias delinfo {
  if ($1 !isnum) { echo -a Invalid format. | return }
  var %Section = $read(Data.txt,w,$chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93))
  if (%Section == $null) { echo -a ERROR: That section number is not available. | return }
  if (!$2) {
    write -dl $readn Data.txt
    while (: isin $read(Data.txt,$readn)) {
      write -dl $readn Data.txt
  else {
    var %Data = $read(Data.txt,$calc($readn + 1)), %line = $readn
    while (: isin %Data) {
      if ($istok($2-,$gettok(%Data,1,58),32)) {
        write -dl %line Data.txt
      else inc %line
      var %Data = $read(Data.txt,%line)

alias replaceinfo {
  if ($1 !isnum) { echo -a Invalid format. | return }
  var %Section = $read(Data.txt,w,$chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93))
  if (%Section == $null) { echo -a ERROR: That section number is not available. | return }
  var %Data = $read(Data.txt,$calc($readn + 1))
  while (: isin %Data) {
    if ($2 == $gettok(%Data,1,58)) {
      write -l $readn Data.txt $2 $+ : $3-
    var %Data = $read(Data.txt,$calc($readn + 1))

Fully tested.

N = An item number
Something = Nickname,Address,Channel,Anything else
Type = The name of the type of information (i.e. Nickname)
TypeData = The data for the specific Type (basically the same as Something)

Displays the information for Something on item N

Displays the information for Something and Something on item N

Note that you can put the "Something's" in any order you want to depending on how you want them to appear.

Writes the information to the file in the first unused section #.

You don't have to include everything... $writeinfo(Nickname) will work... but you do need to put those into the correct order and cannot skip something... $writeinfo(Nickname,Channel) is invalid.

If you want to be able to write the items in any order, with or without certain data, and/or add additional types of data, this can be adjusted to use a format of $writeinfo(Type,TypeData,Type,TypeData,Type,TypeData,Type,TypeData) ... basically, include the type before the data for that type. If you need that, just ask.

Delete all information for section N

Delete only Something from section N

Replace the existing data for Type with the new TypeData

You cannot replace multiple types with the same $replaceinfo. You'll have to call it multiple times if you want to replace more than one Type's data at a time.

Any questions, just ask.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net