I was going to edit bits and bobs of your post to include valid opinions, but, partly because you chose to type it entirely in caps, I ended up deciding the entire post was a long ranting flame.

I think everyone needs to read this.

Particularly relevant I think are:

please keep posting constructive criticism. Improve on suggestions or show the poster why his suggestion just wouldn't work or make sense ("you can script it" is not a valuable response).

Remember that people come in here looking to pitch an idea to Khaled, not for other forum members to shoot ideas down.



Has my idea been brought up before?
Be sure to search the forums first! Failure to search first is rude to those of us who read the forum.
Will my idea benefit lots of users?
I rarely see features added that benefit just a handful of users. You should try to stick to suggestions that would help lots of people.
Would it be easy to write a script for my idea?
If it's something that is very easy to do with scripts, chances are it won't be built into mIRC. (This isn't always the case, but should be considered when posting your idea.)

