Ok, let's see...

on *:text:$*:#yourchan: {
  if (!$hget(GameStats)) { 
    hmake GameStats 100
    if ($isfile($scriptdir\GameStats.hsh)) { hload GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh }
  if ($1- == $won || $1- == $draw) {
    msg $chan Please provide proof of your win, then type $proof followed by a link to your proof.  Eg. $proof http://www.proof.com/
    if ($hget(Won. $+ $nick)) { hfree Won. $+ $nick }
    hmake Won. $+ $nick 5
    hadd Won. $+ $nick Type $right($1,-1)
  elseif ($1 == $proof) {
    if (!$hget(Won. $+ $nick)) { msg $chan Please type $won before using $proof. | return }
    if (!$2) { msg $chan Please include a link to your proof.  Eg. $proof http://www.proof.com/ | return }
    msg $chan Please wait for confirmation.
    hadd Won. $+ $nick Proof $2-
  elseif ($1 == $yes || $1 == $no) {
    if (!$2) { msg $chan Please include the nick who you are confirming.  Eg. $yes Nick | return }
    if (!$hget(Won. $+ $2)) { msg $chan $2 hasn't used $won yet. | return }
    if (!$hget(Won. $+ $2,Proof)) { msg $chan $2 hasn't used $proof yet. | return }
    if ($istok($hget(Won. $+ $2,Yes)),$nick,32) || $istok($hget(Won. $+ $2,No)),$nick,32)) { msg $chan You have already voted on the proof. | return }
    if ($1 == $yes) { hadd Won. $+ $2 Yes $hget(Won. $+ $2,Yes) $nick }
    elseif ($1 == $no) { hadd Won. $+ $2 No $hget(Won. $+ $2,No) $nick }
    if ($numtok($hget(Won. $+ $2,Yes),32) >= 3) {
      if ($hget(Won. $+ $2,Type) == Won) {
        msg $chan $2 gets 10 points for the win.
        hinc GameStats $nick $+ .Points 10
        hinc GameStats $nick $+ .Wins
      elseif ($hget(Won. $+ $2,Type) == Draw) {
        msg $chan $2 gets 5 points for the draw.
        hinc GameStats $nick $+ .Points 5
        hinc GameStats $nick $+ .Draws
      hsave GameStats $scriptdir GameStats.hsh
    elseif ($numtok($hget(Won. $+ $2,No),32) >= 3) {
      msg $chan $2 gets 0 points because of a lack of good proof.
      hfree Won. $+ $2
  elseif ($1 == $lost) {
    hinc GameStats $nick $+ .Loses
    hsave GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh
  elseif ($1 == $stats) {
    if (!$2) {
      var %Nick = $nick
    else {
      var %Nick = $2
    if ($hget(GameStats,%Nick $+ .Points)) {
      hsave -n GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
      filter -ffcuten 1 32 $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
      hsave -i GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats2.tmp
      var %line = $read($scriptdir\GameStats2.tmp,s,%Nick $+ =)
      var %line = $calc($readn - 1)
      var %rank = $read($scriptdir\GameStats.tmp,s,%line $+ $chr(32))
      var %rank = $readn
      msg $chan Rank: %rank - $iif(%Nick == $nick,You have,%Nick has) $hget(GameStats,%Nick $+ .Points) with: $hget(GameStats,%Nick $+ .Wins) Wins - $hget(GameStats,%Nick $+ .Draws) Draws - $hget(GameStats,%Nick $+ .Loses) Loses.
      .remove $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
      .remove $scriptdir\GameStats2.tmp
    else msg $chan $iif(%Nick == $nick,You have,%Nick has) no points.
  elseif ($1 == $scores) {
    hsave -n GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
    filter -ffcuten 1 32 $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
    var %cnt = 1
    var %lines = $iif($lines($scriptdir\GameStats.tmp) < 10,$v1,10)
    while (%cnt <= %lines) {
      var %data = $read($scriptdir\GameStats.tmp,%cnt)
      var %Top10 = $iif(%Top10,$chr(32) $+ -) %cnt $+ $chr(41) $hget(GameStats,$gettok(%data,1,32)).item $+ : $gettok(%data,2,32)
      inc %cnt
    msg $chan Top Players: %Top10
    .remove $scriptdir\GameStats.tmp
on *:input:*: {
  if ($* iswm $1) {
    if (!$hget(GameStats)) { 
      hmake GameStats 100
      if ($isfile($scriptdir\GameStats.hsh)) { hload GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh }
  if ($1 == $deduct) {
    if ($3 !isnum) { echo -a Please include a nick and points to deduct.  Eg. $deduct $me 5 | return }
    echo -a Points deducted from $2 -- $hget(GameStats,$2 $+ .Points) - $3 = $calc($hget(GameStats,$2 $+ .Points) - $3)
    hdec GameStats $2 $+ .Points $3
    hsave GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh
  elseif ($1 == $clear) {
    if (!$2) { echo -a Please include a nick to clears stats for. | return }
    hdel GameStats $2 $+ .Points
    hdel GameStats $2 $+ .Wins
    hdel GameStats $2 $+ .Draws
    hdel GameStats $2 $+ .Loses
    hsave GameStats $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh
  elseif ($1 == $clearall) {
    hfree GameStats
    .remove $scriptdir\GameStats.hsh

This may not be the best way, but it should work. It's not tested, though, so let me know of any problems. I've included "error" messages when commands aren't done the right way. You can change the wording, add colors/formatting, or remove them as needed.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net