Originally Posted By: bwuser
but that would be essential..
I did not know exactly in what circumstances you wanted to protect smile

This code will add protection on +o/+h/+v, and remove that protection on part/quit of that user - if the "auto" switch was turned on in menu.
In addition, now you can add/remove temp protection for single users via menu.

; ---------- menu ----------

menu channel,nicklist {
  $iif((!$protect),$style(2)) Temp Protection $iif((!$protect),[disabled])
  ; toggle auto add/remove 
  .$iif(($group(#autoprotection) == on),$style(1)) switch $qt(auto add/-remove) $iif(($group(#autoprotection) == on),OFF,ON) : {
    $iif(($group(#autoprotection) == on),.disable,.enable) #autoprotection
  ; add/remove single users
  .$iif(($check.protect($$1,$active,$network)),$style(1) REMOVE,ADD) protection for user $qt($$1) on $qt($active) : {
    $iif(($check.protect($$1,$active,$network)),rem.single.protect,add.single.protect) $network $active $$1
  ; add/remove all nonreg users of a chan
  .ADD temp-protecs for nonreg users of $qt($active) : add.protect $network $active
  .REMOVE temp-protects of $qt($active) : rem.protect $network $active
  ; remove all network entries
  .CLEAR temp-protects of network $qt($network) : rem.protect $network net
  ; remove all entries
  .CLEAR ALL temp-protects : rem.protect

; ---------- events ----------

; group (switch): automated protection events
#autoprotection off
; add temp protections if you're joining a chan
on me:*:join:#: { add.protect $network $chan }

; add temp protection if v/h/o is granted
on *:op:#: { add.single.protect $network $chan $opnick }
on *:help:#: { add.single.protect $network $chan $hnick }
on *:voice:#: { add.single.protect $network $chan $vnick }

; remove temp protections on kick/part/quit/disconnect/exit (you)
on *:kick:#: { if ($knick == $me) rem.protect $network $chan }
on me:*:part:#: { rem.protect $network $chan }
on me:*:quit: { rem.protect $network net }
on *:disconnect: { rem.protect $network net }
on *:exit: { rem.protect }

;remove temp protections on part/quit (protected users)
on !*:part:#: { rem.single.protect $network $chan $nick }
on !*:quit: { rem.single.protect $network * $nick }
#autoprotection end

; ---------- aliases ----------

; return whether or not a user is protected on that chan and network
; note: checking protections, not vars for tempprotections!
alias -l check.protect {
  var %nr = 1, %address = $address($1,2)
  while ($protect(%nr)) {
    if (($v1 == %address) && ($istok($protect(%nr).type,$2,44)) && ($protect(%nr).network == $3)) { return %nr }
    inc %nr

; add a temp protection
alias -l add.single.protect {
  !protect $3 $2 2 $1
  set $+(%,tempprotect+,$1,+,$2,+,$address($3,2))

; add all nonreg users of a chan to temp protection 
alias -l add.protect {
  if ($me ison $2) {
    ; ial for that chan is up to date:
    if ($chan($2).ial) { 
      var %nr = 1
      ; loop all "regular" users
      while ($nick($2,%nr,a,r)) {
        !protect $v1 $2 2 $1
        ; set a variable for this protect entry/switch
        set $+(%,tempprotect+,$1,+,$2,+,$address($v1,2))
        inc %nr
    ; ial is not up to date: update ial, and try again
    else {
      .who $2
      .timer 1 10 add.protect $network $2

; remove a temp protection
alias -l rem.single.protect {
  if ($var($+(%,tempprotect+,$1,+,$2,+,$address($3,2)),1)) { 
    tokenize 43 $v1
    !protect -r $4 $3 $2
    unset  $v1
  else { echo -c info $2 The protection for $3 on $2 $+([,$1,]) was not added temporarily  - remove it manually. }

; remove protections of users added before
alias -l rem.protect {
  ; loop all variables
  var %nr = 1

  ; remove all temp protections of a chan
  if ($2 != net) {
    var %net = $1, %chan = $2
    while ($var($+(%,tempprotect+,%net,+,%chan,+*),%nr)) {
      tokenize 43 $v1
      !protect -r $4 $3 $2
      inc %nr
    ; unset the variables for that chan
    unset $+(%,tempprotect+, [ %net ] ,+, [ %chan ] ,+*)

  ; remove all temp protections of a network
  elseif ($2 == net) {
    var %net = $1
    while ($var($+(%,tempprotect+,%net,+*),%nr)) {
      tokenize 43 $v1
      !protect -r $4 $3 $2
      inc %nr
    ; unset the variables for that net
    unset $+(%,tempprotect+, [ %net ] ,+*)

  ; remove all temp protections 
  else {
    while ($var(%tempprotect+*),%nr) {
      tokenize 43 $v1
      !protect -r $4 $3 $2
      inc %nr
    ; unset all variables
    unset %tempprotect+*
; ---------- end ----------