OK. To make this part of the script have the bot announce to channel about the 5 kicks/blacklist when bot joins channel,
rather than messaging everyone who joins the channel, Try:
on me:*:join:#: {
if $ini(black.ini,bans,$chan) {
part $chan $c1 This channel has Been blacklisted To have this removed please contact $c2 Yournick.
else {
if ($chan != #bots) {
if ($($+(%,kick.,$chan),2)) var %left = $+($calc(5 - $v1),/5)
else var %left = 5/5
.msg $chan $c1 If i am kicked $c2 5 $c1 Times this channel will be blacklisted Number of kicks left $c2 %left
Don't forget to change 'Yournick'

Sometimes, on me:*:JOIN:... will not work as expected because joining a channel is a series of events.
I think the above should work, as we aren't basing the code on any info about the channel other than
it's name and what is in black.ini.
If it does not, replace it with the following.
Raw 366 (End of NAMES) is sent near the end of a JOIN event, and $2 is the channel name.
raw 366: {
if ( $me ison $2 ) {
if $ini(black.ini,bans,$2) {
part $2 $c1 This channel has Been blacklisted To have this removed please contact $c2 Yournick.
else {
if ($2 != #bots) {
if ($($+(%,kick.,$2),2)) var %left = $+($calc(5 - $v1),/5)
else var %left = 5/5
.msg $2 $c1 If i am kicked $c2 5 $c1 Times this channel will be blacklisted Number of kicks left $c2 %left