First of all, no matter how many times to bump a thread, it won't make people respond any faster. Hours is not much time when you're dealing with a FORUM. This is not a chat room. People here have jobs, sleep, live their lives. We're just volunteers and aren't going to sit here all day waiting to answer questions. A word of warning... bumping threads in under 48 hours (perhaps even over that) can get you into trouble and perhaps banned if you repeatedly do it. Just post and be patient. If you are in a hurry, then look somewhere else, such as a chat room, or call someone. Forums are not meant to be "instant answer services", so don't expect it to be one.

That said, this is who you should contact for questions about that model.
Originally Posted By: Westell
This product was specifically designed for Bell South.
You will need to contact Bell South for any support issues.

Their support number is 888-321-2375 (888-321-ADSL).

Invision Support
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