If you don't like how the highlighting works, then just use the script that was given to you. If you want the CNN part to have |'s around it, just make the script that way...

on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
  if (CNN isin $1) { echo $chan $+(03<,$nick,>) 04|CNN|05 $2- | halt }
  elseif (MSN isin $1) { echo $chan $+(03<,$nick,>) 04|MSN|05 $2- | halt }

And so on. If you want the |'s to have color, just move the color control codes outside of the |'s rather than inside them.

Note that this was changed to trigger only when the network is in the first "word" (i.e. <CNN> news here)... not when it appears anywhere else in the text. It will also only color the first word. In my opinion, that will look better. Note that it will not change any other colors of text in the news message if there are colors in it.

*EDITED* Changed the colors to use 3 colors as requested. Just change the numbers to suit your needs.

Last edited by Riamus2; 04/08/07 03:07 PM.

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