I ran across a this "bug" as I was testing my script's online updater. Any attempts to write/rename a file that ends with .dll fail. This problem doesn't happen when running mIRC as Administrator. I feel that Admin privies shouldn't be needed for this operation and would be very inconvenient to the users of my script to ask them to run as Admin just to update.

Try these scenario's NOT using Admin privies.

First Scenario
1. User is prompted to update.
2. An attempt to download "foo.dll" is made but fails with the "bwrite" command.

Second Scenario
(My possible workaround that fails)

1. User is prompted to update
2. The file is now called "foo.d_".
3. File downloads with no issues.
4. An attempt to rename the file with the "rename" command fails.

Third Scenario

1. Create a file with "//write foo.txt foo bar"
2. Rename that file to "foo.dll" with "//rename foo.txt foo.dll" and the result will be an error saying "unable to rename".

This is the only extension I've come aross on Vista that has this issue.

If anyone can confirm this or shed some light, I would appreciate it.