You seem to have missed the points in my previous post.

About /echo, you didn't exactly experiment with //echo and $gettok, using different parameters each time, to see how it works in general, you just stuck an /echo in front of a specific $gettok, assuming that it was what you needed. When you want to figure out how an identifier works, you should:
  • start with the simplest form possible. That means, you don't use other identifiers as parameters of the one you're testing. For example, //echo -a $gettok(1/2,3,48) is a suitable way of testing it; //echo -a $gettok($did(3),3,48) is not. Don't use irrelevant identifiers, like $did(3) or anything else whose value you don't directly know. Focus only on the identifier you want to test, using plain text as much as possible for its parameters.
  • try as many combinations of parameters as necessary, that is until you start to see a pattern. You don't get what 48 does? Try another number in its place and see what the difference is. Do that A LOT of times until you get it.

[...] i could just rip from other scripts, but i want to learn, so then i turn to you guys, but i stop if i just waste your time.
If what you understood from my previous post is "asking questions to learn is wasting our times", please read it again more carefully. My point was exactly that you give the impression that you don't want to actually learn, you just want to get things done.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com