You asked if i tryed with echo, yes. Look at the question i had.

echo -a -> $gettok($did(3).sel,1,48)

so i did. And i also trying to understand what the codes i get does, and if i dont understand i ask here. And i often get help, then i try figure out why my code didnt work, but it working if i change that to that. And i lernt allot here, and whats the point in have this forum if u cant ask questions in it?

And i don't understand this: $gettok($did(3).sel,1,47) <- return exactly the same as did(3).sel , and when i using that i get called "lame" cos i don't use $gettok, so i try to learn, and yes, i made a error, i used 48 instead of 47, a misstake from my side, and as im new to it i do errors, same goes for all the code i writing, i could just rip from other scripts, but i want to learn, so then i turn to you guys, but i stop if i just waste your time.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }