i think it would be better to do all the commands under the one event, if its simply just meant to respond to a ! command by the user and the client is a bot:

on @7:TEXT:!points*:#:{
  ; checks if the second word is "me" if it is, sets the variable %nick to the actual person
  if ($$2 == me) { var %nick $nick }
  ; sets the variable %nick to the users second word if it isnt "me"
  else { var %nick $$2 }
; this line will shorten down your script a bit - since you have the colour codes in the exact same places, and the ones at the end are not required since theres no text after them, just set them to a variable
  if (%k-botcolor == 1) { var %x 8,3 }
  else { var %k  }
; ive added this check for you - to make sure that the users "points" exist in a variable before messaging
  if ($var($+(%, points.,%nick),1).value) { msg $chan %x %nick points: $var($+(%, points.,%nick),1).value }
; then just added this line to show a response if their points dont exist
  else { msg $chan %x %nick Not Found! }

However, if for one reason or another you want it in two steps, for say if you wanted to trigger the script when on the bots actual client, i didnt explain it as much as its pretty much a repeat of the above, the code will be

; Just Added $nick and $chan to the command - explained underneath
ON @7:TEXT:!points*:#:{ /k-show-points $$2 $nick $chan }

alias k-show-points {
; here we use much of the same principle as the above script, for this to work we had to have the actual nick who triggered the on text event at our disposal, in order for us to use their name instead of the text
  if ($1 == me) { var %nick $1 }
  else { var %nick $2 }
  if (%k-botcolor == 1) { var %x 8,3 }
  else { var %k  }
; here, ive replaced your $chan with $3 from the command - this is just better incase the script is running in more then one channel, or if the mirc client isnt actually active on that particular channel
  if ($var($+(%, points.,%nick),1).value) { msg $3 %x %nick points: $var($+(%, points.,%nick),1).value }
  else { msg $3 %x %nick Not Found! }

hope this helps