How many people do you know that actually follow the copyright laws when downloading or duplicating any material? I have yet to see anyone that I know not go out an buy blank vcr tapes. If it is so bad to copy something then why do they make blank tapes, or discs? Almost everyone records a favorite program for their personal archives and yes even movies.

4: If filesharing was legal, why was napster shut down.

Napster got shut down because it got too big too fast, and that a teenager came up with the idea. Everyone and their brother started using Napster to get all of their favorite mp3's or whatnot. So what happened? All the artists started to protest napster...Then napster got shutdown. As soon as that happened more p2p programs started popping up in retalliation of napster being shutdown. But if memory serves me correct, Napster will be back online in the near future to provide the same service except you gotta pay. Why is napster coming back online? Cause it was popular