"Kill" doesn't have it's own event because, as far as I know, the way a "Kill" happens is variable. It's integrated into the quit message.

UnrealIRCd for example may use:
**** Quit: SomeNick (ident@host.com) [name.of.server.com] Local kill by SOME_OPER (KILL_MESSAGE)

While DALnet will just use:
**** Quit: SomeNick (ident@host.com) Killed blahblahblah

That's just my guess.

Edit: I misunderstood what was being asked.

KILL just triggers for the person being killed. I was thinking someone wanted a way to script their kills seperately from their quits, when it happens to other people.

Anyway, yeah.

Last edited by Rand; 25/05/07 12:26 AM.