sweet thanks but there is something wrong
It only work half the time, and i keep getting this error:
/sockopen: 'winbolo' socket in use (line 816, script.ini)

in this code when i type /timer2 1 300 /deadgames
it should keep doing this every 5 minutes but it halts becuase of that /sockopen error.

Can someone fix please!

alias deadgames {
  if %trk.nick { .notice $nick Busy, try again later. | return }
  set -e %trk.nick $nick
  sockopen winbolo tracker.winbolo.net 50005
on *:sockopen:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr) return
  var %d = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %d GET / HTTP/1.0
  %d Host: tracker.winbolo.net
on *:sockread:winbolo:sockread &a | bwrite deadgames.txt -1 -1 &a
on *:sockclose:winbolo:{
  var %i = 1
  .fopen wb deadgames.txt
  while !$feof {
    .fseek -r wb /winbolo:\/\/ $+ %bot.ip $+ :/i
    if $fread(wb) { 
      var %info = $striphtml($v1)
      tokenize 58 %info
      set %killport $left($3,5)
      set %play $right($left($5,2), -1)
      if (%play == 0) {
        var %nick1 = $wildtok( %used.ports, * $+ %killport $+ * , 1, 44)
        var %place = $findtok( %used.ports , %nick1 ,1 ,44)
        set %used.ports $deltok(%used.ports, %place, 44) 
        /run $mircdir $+ wonkaDSctl.exe quit %killport
        msg #winbolo $me AutoKilled %killport
  timer2 1 300 /deadgames
  .fclose wb
  .remove deadgames.txt
  unset %trk.nick
alias striphtml {
  var %return, %regex = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,,%return)
  return $remove(%return,&nbsp;,$chr(9),amp;)

otherwise the times it works (like 1/4 times) it works fine. But that error is a hassel.

Last edited by harl91; 14/05/07 03:01 PM.