I need some help with this socket script. What I need is on sock read, it finds any games that match its ip (%bot.ip) on tracker.winbolo.net:50005 , it sets the number of players %dead.players and port %dead.port.

If someone could help me get that far, it would be great!

alais deadgames {
  if (%trk.nick) .notice $nick Busy, try again later.
  else {
    set %trk.nick $nick
    sockopen winbolo tracker.winbolo.net 50005
on *:sockopen:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr) return
  var %d = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %d GET / HTTP/1.1
  %d Host: tracker.winbolo.net
  %d Accept: */*
  %d Connection: Close

on *:sockread:winbolo:{

alias trk {
  if ($isid) return $+(,$hget(tracker,$1),)
  hadd -m tracker $1-