OK that complicates things a little, to protect a user by hostmark, they must be in the IAL. "/who #" will ensure that the IAL is filled.
To remove them from protect list, you need to identify the entries added this way. A hash table could track these auto-added entries.
This code should work but is untested wink
;  Send /who # when you join. The var and group are to catch and halt the replies display
on me:*:join:#:inc -e $+(%,mejoin.who.,#) | who # | .enable #mejoin.who

; Catch the /who replies
#mejoin.who off
raw 315:*:{
  ; Check for the var set on joining
  if $($+(%,mejoin.who.,$2),2) {
    ; Unset the var
    unset $+(%,mejoin.who.,$2)
    ; This is a check to see if all joined chans have been processed
    if !$var(%mejoin.who.*,1) {
      ; disable this group
      .disable #mejoin.who
      ;  and save the hash table data to file
      hsave protects protects.hsh
    ; add protects for this channel
    do.protects $2
    ; halt the display of this raw
; Halt this display of raw 352
raw 352:*:if $($+(%,onjoin.who.,$2),2) { halt }
#mejoin.who end

alias do.protects {
  var %i = 1
  ; loop non-regular nicks
  while $nick($1,%i,$prefix) {
    var %a = $v1
    ; check if they are protected on this  network
    if $protect(%b).network == $network  {
      ; skip if they are
      inc %i | continue
    ; add to a hash table
    hadd -m protects %a $network
    ; protect them
    .protect %a $network
    inc %i

; A disconnect event to remove the nicks from protect list for this network
on *:disconnect:{
  ; find all items from this network
  while $hfind(protects,$network,1).data {
    ; remove from protect list
    .protect -r $v1 $network
    ; remove from hash table
    hdel protects $v1
  ; save the data after entries are deleted
  hsave protects protects.hsh

; A start event to create the hash table, and purge any possible leftovers from previous session
on *:start:{
  ; Create the hash table
  hmake 1 protects

  ; If hash table data file exists, load it
  if $file(protects.hsh) { hload protects protects.hsh }

  ; purge the entries it contains (if any)
  var %i = 1
  while $hget(protects,%i).item {
    ; if any entries are left from last session, remove them from protect list
    .protect -r $v1 $hget(protects,%i).item
    ; delete all entries from hash table
    .hdel -w protects *
  inc %i
  ; clear data file (or create blank new one).
  write -d protects.hsh