Hi there good folks of mIRC smile

I have a small issue I need help resolving.....

I have this bot i use to control my chat room and upto a few days ago i could remotely change the nick by typing:
!nick <new nick>
But for some reason I can not see it now does not seem to work frown
I have enclosed the script that worked, I add that this has not been altered at any time since it worked......
on 500:Text:nick*:?: {
if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: /msg $me nick <nickname to use>. | halt }
if ($2 !== $null) { 
  if ($2 === $me) { .msg $nick I already have that nick. | halt }
  else { //nick $2 | .msg $nick Nickname change attempt completed. }

the 500 is the number assigned to the bot owner just incase anyone is unsure.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance smile

Never ASSUME!!!

As it often makes and ASS out of U and ME!!