Really? Why would you need to use debug, if there are no errors in a script (or mIRC)???

MeStinkBAD was right, you are wrong. Error handling is very different from debugging. In fact, "error handling" doesn't imply that your script has bugs in it at all. Error handling has to do with how fault tolerant your script is.. ie. what it does when it reads bad input.
not all errors are bugs. Some are expected.. expected to be handled.. error handled.. (get it?)
Anyway, this is all off topic: /debug could just be seen as a bad alias name, it's not meant to help you "DEBUG" your scripts, nor does it imply your script has bugs in it. It's just meant to see verbose information going in and out of the irc connection; that's all. It's generally used to CREATE scripts (usually for RAW events), not debug them. Debugging is done completely differently in mIRC.. check out my
debugging tutorial if you want some general debugging guidelines.
If it makes you feel better, I would suggest renaming /debug to something that doesn't give the misconception that it's meant for "script debugging" (there are already ways to do that, see link above), of course it really doesn't matter that much, and if you read the /help /debug, it would clarify.