Ok here's the deal i'm trying to write a script to search a website that has music artist profiles cataloged on there now you can search by: All, Artist, Label, Title, Catalogue Number , or Artist 's website. Now the way the site searches the address comes out like this:

For the "All" option it comes up as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/all/"what you searched for"

For the "Artist" option it shows as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/artist/"what you searched for"

For the "Label" option it shows as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/label/"what you searched for"

For the "Title" option it shows as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/title/"what you searched for"

For the "Catalogue" option it shows as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/catalogue/"what you searched for"

For the "Website" option it shows as:

http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/link/"what you searched for"

Now I've written a script already with a little help of copy and paste but this is what I've come up with.

Paste this line under remote:

alias siq { url -an http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/all/ $+ $htmlfrm($1-) }

Paste this code under aliases:

htmlfrm {
var %i = 1,%r
while (%i <= $len($1-)) {
if ($mid($1-,%i,1) isalnum) { %r = %r $+ $v1 }
else { %r = %r $+ % $+ $base($asc($mid($1-,%i,1)),10,16,2) }
inc %i
return %r
Command :

/siq "place artist name or album name or cat num ectt.. here"
Now their are a few problems with this
1. If there is a space in the name you search for it gives you a 404 error.
2. It only searches the all function I would like to create a dialog that will allow you to choose which option to choose from aswell as a way to write it out in the command line ie:
"/siq label Palm Recordings"

If anyone has any ideas and/or help I would greatly appreciate it and I thank everyone in advance you guys on this site have ALWAYS helped me out and then gave me some of your ideas and added them in and I love the results always you are all a great help and I look forward to seeing the replies!