1. If there is a space in the name you search for it gives you a 404 error.
This is an issue with spaces and variables, explained here.

2. It only searches the all function I would like to create a dialog that will allow you to choose which option to choose from aswell as a way to write it out in the command line ie:
"/siq label Palm Recordings"
Try this:
alias siq url -an $+(http://www.siteinquestion.com/search/,$$1,/,$htmlfrm($$2-))
alias htmlfrm return $regsubex($1,/(\W)/g,% $+ $base($asc(\1),10,16,2))

This is the command-line version only, if you want a dialog with options (eg radio buttons) you'll have to learn mirc dialogs, starting by typing /help dialogs

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com