Originally Posted By: HuMoR
If you join a channel with your @, you are a helper, so, why put this nick on list? You are writing 2 times when you can no write...
And the OP event its neccesary if you join and get the op later...

When you join, you do not have @ or + or any other channel mode. You get these *after* you join, so you cannot check for it the way that you did.

No, if you have 2 helpers working when the first helper take the first nick on joinlist, the 2 helper must be ready to take the new first nick on joinlist, so, when you give the voice, delete the nick...

The script is made for helping one nick at a time. It would need various other changes to work with multiple nicks. Unless that is necessary, then the -dl line should be in the kick part.

/ban command, kick too? I have an older mirc and /ban only make the ban...

/help /ban

You'll find that the -k switch has been around for a long time.

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