Here's one that will do that as well. If someone leaves the channel (part/quit), they lose their spot. Only ops can use !next/!done and the script will do what you asked for those commands.

** Replace all occurences of #chan with your channel name.

on *:join:#chan: {
  write joinlist.txt $nick

on *:part:#chan: {
  if ($read(joinlist.txt,w,$nick)) { write -dl $readn joinlist.txt }

on *:quit: {
  if ($read(joinlist.txt,w,$nick)) { write -dl $readn joinlist.txt }

on *:text:!next:#chan: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($lines(joinlist.txt) == 0) { msg $chan No users waiting for help. | return }
    set $read(joinlist.txt,1)
    while ( !ison $chan) {
      write -dl1 joinlist.txt
      if ($lines(joinlist.txt) == 0) { msg $chan No users waiting for help. | return }
      set $read(joinlist.txt,1)
    mode $chan +v
    msg $chan $+ , how may we help you?

on *:text:!done:#chan: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ( ison $chan) { ban -ku10 $chan }

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