I love the immediate jump from DCC SSL to OMG PIRACY. If I wanted to share files with leet encryption, I'd use something infinitely better than IRC, such as a torrent on a private tracker. By the by, if mIRC wasn't intended as a file sharing system, then why is the ability to send files, file servers, and remotely trigger file servers built into it? There's even a feature to limit a person to one remotely triggered file server session at a time. But that's off topic for this thread. Anyway, back to the original point of my post. I use DCC for administration of my network's services and for my eggdrops. Passwords for logging in are sent in plain text over the network. Sometimes I have to use hotel or cafe wireless to access things, so the more encryption, the better, even if it's lowly 48bit SSL.

Acquire. Analyze. Adapt.