on 100:text:kb*:?: { 
  if ($2 == $null) .msg $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: /msg $me kb <#channel> <nick> [reason].
  elseif ($me !isop $2) .msg $nick I'm not oped in $2 $+ .
  elseif ($me !ison $2) .msg $nick I'm not on that channel.
  elseif ($3 == $null) .msg $nick You didn't specified the nickname to kickban
  elseif ($level($mask($address($2,2),2)) > $level($mask($address($nick,2),2))) .msg $nick You can't ban an operator with a higher level.
  elseif ($level($mask($address($3,2),2)) == 500) .msg $nick I will not kick ban my owner.
  else { 
    mode $2 +b $mask($address($3,2),2)
    .kick $2-3 $iif($4 == $null,$read(txt\insult.txt),$4-)
  .closemsg $nick

Replace the old code with this, and it should work =)

Those who can, cannot. Those who cannot, can.