Alright...I got the quote thing (THANKS KARDAFOL!)...

Now what I'm trying to do is make it so I can message the bot (/msg thebot kick #channel nickname) to kick and ban people so it doesn't show my name. The kicking works fine ...Here's the scrpit for an example...

on 100:text:kick*:?: { 
  if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: /msg $me kick <#channel> <nick> [reason]. | halt }
  if ($me !isop $2) && ($me !ishop $2) { .msg $nick I'm not oped in $2 $+ . | closemsg $nick | halt } 
  if ($me !ison $2) { .msg $nick I'm not on that channel. | closemsg $nick | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null)) { .msg $nick You didn't specified the nickname to kick | closemsg $nick | halt }
  if ($level($mask($address($2,2),2)) > $level($mask($address($nick,2),2))) { .msg $nick You can't ban an operator with a higher level. | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 !== $null) && ($level($mask($address($3,2),2)) == 500)) { .msg $nick I will not kick my owner. | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 !== $null) && ($4 == $null)) { kick $2 $3 $read(txt\insult.txt) | closemsg $nick }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 !== $null) && ($4 !== $null)) { kick $2 $3 $4- | closemsg $nick }

That works great...Now I'm trying to do kickban, but that's not working...Here's the script...

on 100:text:kb*:?: { 
  if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: /msg $me kb <#channel> <nick> [reason]. | halt }
  if ($me !isop $2) && ($me !ishop $2) { .msg $nick I'm not oped in $2 $+ . | closemsg $nick | halt } 
  if ($me !ison $2) { .msg $nick I'm not on that channel. | closemsg $nick | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null)) { .msg $nick You didn't specified the nickname to kickban | closemsg $nick | halt }
  if ($level($mask($address($2,2),2)) > $level($mask($address($nick,2),2))) { .msg $nick You can't ban an operator with a higher level. | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null) && ($level($mask($address($3,2),2)) == 500) { .msg $nick I will not kick ban my owner. | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null)) { mode $chan +b $mask($address($2,2),2) | .kick $chan $2 $3 $read(txt\insult.txt) | closemsg $nick | halt }
  if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 !== $null) && ($4 !== $null)) { mode $chan +b $mask($address($2,2),2) | .kick $chan $2 $3 $4- | closemsg $nick | halt }

I can do /msg thebot kb #channel
And it will tell me to specify a nickname, so that part is ok...
but when I add the nickname, nothing happens...But in the bots window in mIRC, it shows part of the message/command I just sent...Like if I say /msg thebot kb #channel nickname
It will query the bot with kb #channel nickname..

It's very fustrating, I searched here for answers and many other places without luck.

I tried providing as much info on this as possible above. Any help would be appreciated with the kickban script.

Canadian newbie