Couple of suggestions

1. The logging directory may not be <mircdir>\logs, you should use $logdir for that ideally.

2. /remove doesn't support wildcards, you'd have to use $findfile() or some other way of looping through logs (or use "DOS" commands, like del).

3. Unconditionally removing logs after 1 minute is not safe. You should be checking whether the logs were zipped up and stored in LogsZip\ first (you can't assume the operation will always be successful, even if you are 100% certain your script is correct).

4. There is no need for a timer that fires every 30 secs (I know, it's a simple $date() check but it just doesn't feel right). I would use something like this for the timer part:
alias zipLogsTimer .timerZipLogs -io 00:00 1 60 zipLogsTimer $(|) if ($date(ddd) == Mon) zipLogs
(60 is there so that the timer fires at 00:01, so the new timer created by the old one starts at 00:00 of the *next* day)

Edit: added -io switches in /timer, I should've followed my own advice.

Last edited by qwerty; 22/03/07 09:02 PM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com