I have two custom identifiers. While they're in the script, the script won't react to anything it's supposed to, but when I take them out it works fine. That's a problem, as much of the script is built around them.

alias dic {
  %dic = $readini(c:\mirc\bots\tradebot\languages\ $+ %lang $+ .ini,Dictionary, $+ $1 $+ )
  return %dic

alias msg {
  %msg = $readini(c:\mirc\bots\tradebot\languages\ $+ %lang $+ .ini,Messages,Msg $+ $1 $+ )
  return %msg

The identifiers are used as $dic() and $msg(). $dic() should find a word in a small dictionary in an ini file and return the corresponding word in another language. $msg() should call a longer message, which is why I differentiate between them. At the moment, this has never happened.

I've tried to use both /var and /set instead of the current method to set the variables. I've tried skipping the variable part and returning the $readini(). I've tried removing the "alias" in front of the codes. I've tried all of these in all combinations I could think of. The help files weren't much help either, as the example given failed as miserably as these two. I've been trying to figure this out for the last 2 hours, and I've pretty much given up. Could you please help me?