In case you guys were wondering if I pulled it off or not... I did. I spent days belaboring over this with another friend and here is the product:

It catches on ** . It activates a @window to paste results into and writes to a youtube.txt file for future reference in case you close the @window.

The results include the title of the video, the description (be it long or short, and by that i mean the fundamental difference in html on youtube videos for long/short descriptions), and how many stars its got, as well as the original comment that the url was mentioned in, in addition to network basics like : what time/day, what network it came from, what channel, and which nick said it.

You can change the disgusting colors I have (they only apply to my mIRC's look, sorry) in order to accomodate yourself

PLEASE leave your comments and let me know how it is! And if you have any additions to recommend, please let me know!

on *:text:**:*:{
  %rating = 0
  %entry = $1-
  if %tube != on {
    window @YouTube
    set %tube on
    echo @YouTube •›› Info: YouTube window opened $day $+ , $date $+ , $time
  if (http:// isin $1-) %ytpath = / $+ $gettok($gettok($1-,3,47),1,38)
  else %ytpath = / $+ $gettok($gettok($1-,2,47),1,38)
  %ytnick = $nick
  %ytchan = $chan
  sockclose yt
  sockopen yt 80

on *:close:@YouTube:{
  set %tube off

on *:sockopen:yt:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $chr(93) YouTube: socket error 
    if (%ytchan) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube ERROR: < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
    if (%ytchan == $null && %ytnick != $null) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube ERROR: < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %ytpath HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:yt: {
  sockread -f %ytread

  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/star.gif" isin %ytread) {
    inc %rating

  if (<title> isin %ytread) %title = $remove(%ytread,	,<title>YouTube - ,</title>)
  if (%found) { unset %found | %desc_be = $remove(%ytread,	) }
  if (<span id="vidDescBegin"> isin %ytread) %found = k
  if (<span id="vidDescRemain"> isin %ytread) %desc_re = $replace($remove(%ytread,	,<span id="vidDescRemain">,</span>),<br/>,$chr(32))
  if (<span class="smallLabel">Category&nbsp;</span> isin %ytread) %done = k

  if (%done) {
    sockclose yt
    unset %done

    if (%ytchan) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube 4-----> 4< $asctime(mm:dd:yyyy-HH:nn:ss) $+ 4>  4< $network %ytchan $+ 4> 4< $+ %ytnick $+ 4>
      echo @YouTube %entry
      echo @YouTube Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
      write youtube.txt .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      write youtube.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write youtube.txt Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
    if (%ytchan == $null && %ytnick != $null) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube 4-----> 4< $asctime(mm:dd:yyyy-HH:nn:ss) $+ 4> 4< $network PM $+ 4> 4< $+ %ytnick $+ 4>
      echo @YouTube %entry
      echo @YouTube Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
      write youtube.txt .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      write youtube.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write youtube.txt Title: %title Rating: %rating stars

    if (%desc_re) { 
      echo @YouTube Description: %desc_re
      write youtube.txt Description: %desc_re
    else {
      echo @YouTube Description: %desc_be
      write youtube.txt Description: %desc_be

    unset %entry
    unset %ytpath
    unset %ytnick
    unset %ytchan
    unset %title
    unset %ytread
    unset %desc_be
    unset %desc_re
    unset %rating
  if ($sockbr) goto read