Hi, I managed to make this after a week's worth of insanity (I am a scripting noob)... It matches on *youtube.com/watch* and it looks up the video's title and description, and says it in the channel asked.

The part I'm having trouble with is that, sometimes the title and description is flat out wrong. It either a) returns a previous matches' title/desc b) returns "http" as title and desc (I don't know why) c) returns null for both title and desc

If someone can take a look at this, I would be much obliged ^_^

; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc
; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc
; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc

on *:text:*youtube.com/watch*:*: { 
  set %titles $remove($regml(1),<h1 id="video_title">,</h1>)
  set %descs $remove($regml(1),				,<span id="vidDescRemain">,<br/>,</span>)
  %url = $*
  %youtubepathurl = $urlparse(%url).path
  if ($sock(111111)) .sockclose 111111
  sockopen 111111 youtube.com 80

  msg $chan %youtubepathurl Title: %titles Description: %descs
  ; unset %titles
  ; unset %descs
  ; unset %url
  ; unset %youtubepathurl
on *:SOCKOPEN:111111: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET %youtubepathurl HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:111111: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    msg %chan Socket Error: $sockname $+ . Error code: $sockerr Please inform $me of this error message.
  else {
    var %sockreader
    sockread %sockreader
    if (*"video_title"* iswm %sockreader ) {
      noop $regex(%sockreader,/<h1 id="video_title">(.*?)</h1>/Si)
    if (*"vidDescRemain"* iswm %sockreader ) {
      noop $regex(%sockreader,/<span id="vidDescRemain">(.*?)</span>/Si)
      sockclose 111111