Besides needing to remove the ! before msg, you can combine your triggers into a single event.

on *:text:!set *:#:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (!$3) { .notice $nick Incorrect format.  Use !set followed by roster, league, news, or website and then the data you want stored.  Example: !set website | return }
    if ($2 == roster) {
      set %roster $3-
    elseif ($2 == league) {
      set %league $3-
    elseif ($2 == news) {
      set %news $3-
    elseif ($2 == website) {
      set %website $3-
    else { .notice $nick Incorrect format.  Use !set followed by roster, league, news, or website and then the data you want stored.  Example: !set website | return }
    msg $chan done!
  else { .notice $nick You are not an op and cannot use that command. }

Now, that's combining all of the commands that only ops can do that start with !set. You could then combine other commands that are open to everyone in a similar way.

EDIT: The above code works fine and is easy to understand (I think). Below, you can see another method that might be more difficult to understand, but is a bit smaller. You may find it interesting to look at.

on *:text:!set *:#:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (!$3) { .notice $nick Incorrect format.  Use !set followed by roster, league, news, or website and then the data you want stored.  Example: !set website | return }
    if ($istok(roster league news website,$2,32)) {
      set % $+ $2 $3-
    else { .notice $nick Incorrect format.  Use !set followed by roster, league, news, or website and then the data you want stored.  Example: !set website | return }
    msg $chan done!
  else { .notice $nick You are not an op and cannot use that command. }

Last edited by Riamus2; 30/01/07 10:54 PM.

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