ok can anyone tell me how to make the code so i can type !set roster in the chan and it will auto set the command so i dont have to edit it in the script! this is wat it looks like now:
on *:text:*!roster:#:/msg $chan YOUR ROSTER GOES HERE

on *:text:*!league:#:/msg $chan YOUR LEAGUE GOES HERE

on *:text:*!news:#:/msg $chan YOUR NEWS GOES HERE

on *:text:*!website:#:/msg $chan YOUR WEBSITE GOES HERE

on *:text:*!sponsors:#:/msg $chan YOUR SPONSOR GOES HERE

on *:text:*!record:#:/msg $chan YOUR RECORD GOES HERE

on *:text:*!botinfo:#:/msg $chan CBot16 Created By Rich on GameSurge #Team.FH

on *:text:*!commands:#:/notice $nick !roster !leagues !news !website !sponsors !record !botinfo

I got this from someone
on *:text:!set roster *:#:{
if ($nick isop #) {
!set %roster $3-
!msg $chan done!

but doesnt change the text in the script!

Last edited by RieDeLL; 30/01/07 06:16 PM.

while ($noob = $true) { .stfu }