On my network, you can be in a total of 5 rooms per account at the same time. I created an idle list. Each account has a total of 5 rooms in the list. Each room is seperated by a comma, so I can just say:

/join $hget(<table>,iroom. $+ <account>)

$1 = account, $2 = $chan
Rename the table.
Remove the halts for 5 rooms. Course this doesnt have a timer, but thats easy enough.

del.iroom { if ($FINDTOK($hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1),$2,1,44)) hadd SoulFly iroom. $+ $1 $remtok($hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1),$2,44) }

add.iroom {
  if ($2 isin $hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1)) { error -e Idle List: $1 $crlf $crlf $hcd($2) - Duplicate Entry | halt }
  elseif ($numtok($hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1),44) == 5) { error -e 5 Room Idle Limit. $crlf $crlf Please delete one room first. | halt }
  elseif (!$2) { hadd SoulFly iroom. $+ $1 $addtok($hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1),$$?="Please Enter Room  Name",44) }
  else { hadd SoulFly iroom. $+ $1 $addtok($hget(SoulFly,iroom. $+ $1),$2,44) }

Last edited by DJ_Sol; 18/01/07 07:00 AM.