In addition to the previous posts, quoting from New to the forums ??
e) Realize YOU have to do work to solve the problem you are having. People here can offer ideas/suggestions/input and maybe even solve things entirely, but it's up to YOU to do the work.

I just wrote this up, quick and simple, and tested it with no problems
on *:connect:{
  if !$hget($network) { .hmake $network }
  if $exists($+($network,.hsh)) { .hload $network $+($network,.hsh) }
  var %a = 1, %b = $hget($network,0).item
  while %a <= %b {
    .timer 1 %a .join $hget($network,%a).item $iif($hget($network,%a).data,$v2)
    inc %a
menu channel,nicklist {
  Auto-Join Channels
  .Add : .hadd -m $network $$input(Channel Name,e,,$chan) $?*="Key if required"
  .Remove : .hdel $network $$input(Channel Name,e,,$chan)

Last edited by RusselB; 18/01/07 02:04 AM.