Thanks .. confusing but promising. .)
However, I think there is another problem with my plan .. I thought about doing custom greetings (inistead of the automatised by e.g. UPP which are random) but for that I have to identify the nick and read out the txt file for each nick.
I thought I could do something like e.g.

if Bob joins chan #home
then msg #home
joinBob.txt <hello bob - textline1>

and next time nickA joins again it would be "hello bob - textline2" etc.
Simply put.

However, I have seen in the help that you apparently can not set on join for a certain nick but only for either all or the level ..
Seems to be more complicated than I thought.

Nevertheless knowinig how to read out a txt file line by line will certainly come handy some time, so thank you all. smile