
I want to get a random passcode every 10 minutes - 12 characters (see example)

this doesn't sound too hard, mind you, you'd probably want to add this to a hash table, but I am going to use variables for simplicities sake.

alias /auth.code timer -o 0 600 password.change

alias -l password.change {
 var %text
 var %i 1
 var %length 12
 while ( %i <= %length ) {
  %text = %text $+ $chr( $rand(48,122) )
  inc %i 1
 set %authcode %text

on *:text:!authcode*:?:{
 if ( $2- == %authcode ) {
  msg $nick You may proceed
  <enter whatever game interface you have here>
 else { msg $nick Passcode incorrect, please try again. }

that would include the printable -[],./s the the code,

in a private message, this command works as follows:

<CakerX> !authcode H6f8e4A5d2P7
<bot> You may proceed

incorrect passcode
<bot> Passcode incorrect, please try again