There's only one problem: while a sentence is played, mirc is totally locked. You can't even type a char. Is there a way to avoid that?

In the meantime I edited the deegee script and added some options (like On o Off and stuff like that):

alias spon { /set %speech 1 | echo -a Speech is now ON }
alias spoff { /set %speech 0 | echo -a Speech is now OFF }
alias sp { .ctcp $active SPEECH $1- | echo -ati $me $+ : «7 $1- » | $iif($1,$1-,nothing) }
alias sps { .ctcp $active SPEECH $1- | echo -ati $me $+ : «7 $1- » }

ctcp *:speech:*:{
if %speech == 1 {
if # { echo # $timestamp $nick $+ 7@ $+ # $+ : «7 $2- » | .halt }
else { echo -ati $nick $+ : «7 $2- » $regsubex($nick,/[^\w]/g,) : $iif($2,$2-,nothing)
.halt }
else echo -ati $nick $+ : «14 $2- » (/spon to activate Speech) | .halt

alias {
var %s = Spk. $+ $ticks,%a = $iif($1,$1-,nothing to say!)
.comopen %s SAPI.SpVoice
if !$comerr { .comclose %s $com(%s,Speak,3,bstr,%a) }

/spon to activate this shit, /spoff to set it off
With /sp you hear the voice reading the sentence you send, with /sps you hear nothing

with high quality voices like AT&T or Loquendo this stuff is GREAT smile