Originally Posted By: starbucks_mafia
That's the way it's meant to be (as it shows on other browsers). Why wouldn't you like to see it? If the code tags are wider than the page you'll have to scroll horizontally anyway, so why not make it happen within the code box and preserve the readability of the rest of the page. With the old forum's behaviour, if one person posted long code it made every post in the thread frustrating to read.

Heh, when I read that, I realized that I wasn't thinking about it correctly. I wasn't thinking about how it would really look with it set up to be screen-width code tags. I agree that it would look better that way. So, just need to make the code tags work correctly in IE. I know many people hate IE with a passion, but the fact is that the majority of people still use it and it is best to make things work for the majority of people whenever possible. smile

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