on ^*:open:?: {
echo $nick commonchans: -------------
var %spam = #!.com!join #
;then matchtok if the $1- contains a spam word
if does gets the *!*@host and bans the users host on every chan that i'm opped in...
if match or someone on the channels that im opped in has the same host kicks and ban em
help pls thanks..
alias comchans {
var %cs.all = $comchan($1,0)
var %cs.chans
if ( %cs.all > 0 ) { set %cs.chans $comchan($1,%cs.all) }
else { set %cs.chans CommonChan:None }
dec %cs.all 1
while ( %cs.all > 0 ) {
set %cs.chans %cs.chans $+ , $+ $comchan($1,%cs.all)
dec %cs.all
return %cs.chans