Im sure theres quicker ways but meh im bored tonight before wrestling so here she blows...

on @*:TEXT:*:#:{
if (!%ot) && ($1 == !allow) { write access.txt $2 | %ot = 1 | halt } 
elseif ($1 == !allow) && ($2 !iswm $read(access.txt,w,$+(*,$2,*)) { write access.txt $2 | halt }
on *:TEXT:*:#:{ 
if ($1 == !invite) && ($nick iswm $read(access.txt,w,$+(*,$nick,*))) { invite $2 #corless }

first on text event checks OP status and only works for ops, #2 text event checks if $nick is in the allow list.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }