i still think this isnt quite right, but closer
on *:start:{ start-timer }
alias f7 {
alias start-timer {
timerdeop_and_part 0 60 scon -at1 deop_and_part
alias -l deop_and_part {
if ($me isop #dynasty_help) { mode #dynasty_help -o $me }
if ($me isop #helpcom) { mode #helpcom -o $me }
if ($me isop #dyn_staff) { mode #dyn_staff -o $me }
if ($me isop #dyn_scripting) { mode #dyn_scripting -o $me }
if ($me isop #xbc_opers) { mode #xbc_opers -o $me }
if ($me ison #testing) { echo -a LEFT TESTING }
;if ($me ison #ascii_art) { part #ascii_art }
if ($me ison #xbc_help) { part #xbc_help }
if ($me ison #xbc_game) { part #xbc_game }
scon -at1 windows
alias windows {
var %z = 1
while ($chan(%z)) {
echo -s $window($chan(%z)).state
window $iif($window($chan(%z)).state == normal,-h,-w3) $chan(%z)
inc %z
window $iif($window(Status Window).state == hidden,-w,-h) "Status Window"
your $v1 wasnt working as you expected I think
your status I may have wrong, but the hidden state from w0 and w1 both returned normal
the -h does hide it