ok guys, I have this script which hides all the channels that I'm on, and, if I'm on a specific channel that I can't stay on when I leave, it leaves auto. Here's the code:
alias f8 scon -a windows
alias windows {
  [color:red]if ($me isop #dynasty_help) { mode #dynasty_help -o $me }
  if ($me isop #helpcom) { mode #helpcom -o $me }
  if ($me isop #dyn_staff) { mode #dyn_staff -o $me }
  if ($me isop #dyn_scripting) { mode #dyn_scripting -o $me }
  if ($me isop #xbc_opers) { mode #xbc_opers -o $me }
  if ($me ison #ascii_art) { part #ascii_art }
  if ($me ison #xbc_help) { part #xbc_help }
  if ($me ison #xbc_game) { part #xbc_game }[/color]
  var %z = 1
  while ($chan(%z)) {
    window $iif($window($v1).state == hidden,-w,-h) [ $v1 ]
    inc %z
  window $iif($window(Status Window).state == hidden,-w,-h) "Status Window"

what I'm trying to do is that if I come back within a minute (Pressing F8), then, it won't do any of the red part above, Anyone understand this? Please help if you can, I don't know where to go from here.
