Well, I made a user account myself. Feel free to delete it when you feel this has accomplished your goal as I will no longer be needing it. This will connect initially, log you in, then track your session information. Every visit to th epage, it will resend your information to keep you logged in.

You must change the portions marked in red, and can (but don't have to) change the two values under them. To login, use /xbc_login. Once logged in, it will automatically load the index for you (see the second sockclose event). To visit that page you wanted use /xbc_revisit /showpost.php?p=97496&postcount=1 and then the page will be retrieved and stored in index.html in the mirc directory, as well as in the &data binvar in the sockclose event. You can play with it from there (processing, parsing, etc).

If I've left anything out, or you need more help (as always) feel free to post on the forums and myself or another individual will assist you.

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; http://forums.xbconnect.com
; --
; https://forums.mirc.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=171884&page=&vc=1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[color:red]; Name of the user logging in[/color]
alias -l xbc_username { return BotForTesting }

[color:red]; Password for the user[/color]
alias -l xbc_password { return testingbot }

; Hash table to store information
alias -l xbc_table { return xbc_info }

; Hash file
alias -l xbc_hfile { return xbc.hsh }

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; mIRC Events
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

on *:LOAD: {
  if ($version < 6.2) /echo -s Older version of mIRC Found--Not tested with $version (Recommends v6.2)

  if (!$hget($xbc_table)) /hmake $xbc_table 10
  if ($isfile($xbc_hfile)) /hload $xbc_table $xbc_hfile

on *:START: {
  if (!$hget($xbc_table)) /hmake $xbc_table 10
  if ($isfile($xbc_hfile)) /hload $xbc_table $xbc_hfile  

on *:EXIT: {
  if ($hget($xbc_table)) {
    /hsave -o $xbc_table $xbc_hfile
    /hfree $xbc_table

on *:UNLOAD: {
  if ($hget($xbc_table)) /hfree $xbc_table
  if ($isFile($xbc_hfile)) .remove $xbc_hfile

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Initial Login
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias xbc_login {
  var %sock = xbc_login1

  if ($sock(%sock)) .sockclose %sock

  ; clear login session
  if ($hget($xbc_table)) {
    /hfree $xbc_table
    /hmake $xbc_table 10

  .sockopen %sock forum.xbconnect.com 80

on *:SOCKOPEN:xbc_login1: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    /echo -s XBC Socket Error Could not connect (# $+ $sock($sockname).wserr $+ ) $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  else {
    var %post = vb_login_username= $+ $xbc_username $+ $&
      & $+ cookieuser=1 $+ $&
      & $+ vb_login_password= $+ $xbc_password $+ $&
      & $+ do=login $+ $&
      & $+ vb_login_md5password= $+ $&
      & $+ vb_login_md5password_utf=

    /sockwrite -n $sockname POST /login.php?do=login HTTP/1.1
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Host: forum.xbconnect.com
    /sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; en-US) mIRC/ $+ $version
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: text/html, text/xml, */*;q=0.5
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Keep-Alive: 300
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: http://forum.xbconnect.com/
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%post)
    /sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
    /sockwrite -tn $sockname %post
    /sockmark $sockname 1

on *:SOCKREAD:xbc_login1: {
  var %read

  if ($sock($sockname).mark) {
    /sockread %read
    if (!%read) /sockmark $sockname
    else {
      if (Set-Cookie:* iswm %read) {
        var %cookie = $gettok($gettok(%read,2-,32),1,59)
        var %c_name = $gettok(%cookie,1,$asc(=)), %c_value = $gettok(%cookie,2-,$asc(=))
        /hadd -m $xbc_table %c_name %c_value
  else {
    /sockread -n &read
    ; if you want to parse this or whatever, do so here. This is page content, not header information

on *:SOCKCLOSE:xbc_login1: {
  /echo -s XBC Closed! Logging in to main page...


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Revisit using sessions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; use as just play /xbc_visit to get the main index page, or include the path
; of the page (less the domaine itself) to visit that page. e.g.
; /xbc_visit
;   visits main page (index)
; /xbc_visit /showpost.php?p=97496&postcount=1
;   visits post number 97496 (notice the http://www... is gone, / must remain)
; http://forum.xbconnect.com/showpost.php?p=97496&postcount=1
; \_____ Domain Name ______/\________ File Path ____________/
alias xbc_visit {
  var %sock = xbc_login2

  if ($hget($xbc_table,xbcbbuserid) && $hget($xbc_table,xbcbbpassword)) {
    if ($sock(%sock)) .sockclose %sock

    .sockopen %sock forum.xbconnect.com 80
    if ($1-) { /sockmark %sock $1- }
    else { /sockmark %sock $+(/?s=,$hget($xbc_table,xbcbbsessionhash),&) }
  else {
    /echo -s XBC Error: No session established

alias xbc_cookies {
  var %i = $hget($xbc_table,0).item
  while (%i) {
    var %c_name = $hget($xbc_table,%i).item, %c_value = $hget($xbc_table,%c_name)
    var %cookies = %cookies $+(%c_name,=,%c_value,$iif(%i > 1,;))
    /dec %i
  return %cookies

on *:SOCKOPEN:xbc_login2: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    /echo -s XBC Socket Error Could not connect (# $+ $sock($sockname).wserr $+ ) $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  else {
    /sockwrite -n $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.1
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Host: forum.xbconnect.com
    /sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; en-US) mIRC/ $+ $version
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: text/html, text/xml, */*;q=0.5
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Keep-Alive: 300
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: http://forum.xbconnect.com/
    /sockwrite -n $sockname Cookie: $xbc_cookies
    /sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
    /sockmark $sockname 1
  .remove index.html

on *:SOCKREAD:xbc_login2: {
  var %read

  if ($sock($sockname).mark) {
    /sockread %read
    if (!%read) /sockmark $sockname
  else {
    /sockread &read
    /bwrite index.html -1 -1 &read

on *:SOCKCLOSE:xbc_login2: {
  /echo -s XBC Closed! Main page gathered!

  /bread index.html 1 $file(index.html).size &data
  ;.remove index.html

  /echo -s XBC Page contents read in to & $+ data variable
