Thz bro is working very good but I have to change it a litle t i am trying to find someone to help me but noen can do itwhen you get bore again pls tell me. The script is working very good but i will like to only veryfy if there is a new post and then post it on the channel like this:
New post detected on Forum: Applications & Operating Systems, Thread: Shared software, Views: 2 - Replies: 11, Last post by: freedom76, Today 01:42 AM, LInk

The link is missing and it post all the new post of that page like 25 i change is a little from echo to msg but is post all 25 in the channel i want it to only post in the channel if there is any new post. Verify every 2 min then check if there is any change in the ilatest post then post the info like i just show you whith the link so the people can dobble click on it and go to that latest post.

Well i try not to ask you for help coz you are retired from this but I ask a bunch of people and none can help me. I put the timer and the msg but is not working like i whant so when you ge bored again pls help me with this.

Sry for my englich ths is not my first language confused