Usage: /future-fta.check

The first time you call the alias, it has to login to retrieve necessary cookie information. After that, the cookie is stored, and used in subsequent calls.

Example: /future-fta.check Fortest fortest1

If you don't supply the username/password whilst you don't have a cookie, the script will ask for them with the use of an $input box.

Results (if any) are stored in hash table future-fta with items being an index number, and data being some relevant data about new posts, delimited by $chr(127). After running /future-fta.check, a signal event named "future-fta" will be triggered, which lets you know how many new posts were found. You can put custom code there to do whatever you wish to do with the results.

As an example, in the signal event I'm calling the alias future-fta.shownew which illustrates a possible usage.

If there are multiple pages with "new posts" (1 2...) it only checks the first one.

Do not bother asking me for anything else, or any amendments to the code, I'm not interested. I have quit scripting a long time ago, however was bored today so figured what the heck.

alias -l e echo -ac info * Future-FTA: $1-
 [color:red]  [/color] 
alias future-fta.check {
  if (!%future-fta.cookie) {
    if ($0 != 2) tokenize 32 $input(Please enter your username,eo) $input(Please enter your password,po)
    sockopen future-fta.login 80
    sockmark future-fta.login $1 $md5($2)
    e logging in to forum... please stand by.
  elseif (%future-fta.lastcheck) {
    e The forum requires for you to wait atleast $ifmatch seconds before performing a new search.
  elseif (!%future-fta.searchid) {
    sockopen future-fta.searchid 80
    sockmark future-fta.searchid do=getnew
    e retrieving a searchid in order to check new posts... please hold on.
  else {
    .fopen -o future-fta.check tmp
    sockopen future-fta.check 80
    sockmark future-fta.check searchid= $+ %future-fta.searchid
    e checking for new posts on forums... this may take a while.
 [color:red]  [/color] 
on *:sockopen:future-fta.*:{
  var %s = $sockname, %sw = sockwrite -tn %s
  if ($sockerr) { e Error connecting to $sockname $+ , please try again. | halt }
  if ($gettok(%s,2,46) == login) {
    tokenize 32 $sock(%s).mark
    var %data = $+(vb_login_username=,$1,&cookieuser=1&vb_login_password=&s=&do=login&vb_login_md5password=,$2,&vb_login_md5password_utf=,$2)
    %sw POST /Forums/login.php?do=login HTTP/1.0
    %sw Referer: 
    %sw Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    %sw Content-Length: $len(%data)
    %sw Host:   
    %sw %data
  else {
    %sw GET /Forums/search.php? $+ $sock(%s).mark HTTP/1.0
    %sw Cookie: %future-fta.cookie
    %sw Host:   
 [color:red]  [/color] 
on *:sockread:future-fta.*:{
  var %in, %s = $sockname, %type = $gettok(%s,2,46)
  if (%type == login) {
    sockread -f %in
    tokenize 32 $left(%in,930)
    if ($1 == Set-Cookie:) {
      %future-fta.cookie = %future-fta.cookie $2
    elseif (* !iswm $1) {
      sockclose %s
      if (*bbuserid=*; bbpassword=* !iswm %future-fta.cookie) {
        e Incorrect username/password or an error has occured, please try again.
      else future-fta.check
  elseif (%type == searchid) {
    sockread -f %in
    if (!%future-fta.searchid) && ($regex(%s,%in,/URL=http\S+?searchid=(\d+)/)) {
      sockclose %s
      %future-fta.searchid = $regml(%s,1)
  else {
    sockread &in
    while ($sockbr) {
      .fwrite -b %s &in
      sockread &in
 [color:red]  [/color] 
on *:sockclose:future-fta.check: {
  .fclose $sockname
  unset %future-fta.searchid
  set -z %future-fta.lastcheck 110
 [color:red]  [/color] 
alias future-fta.parse {
  var %size = $file(tmp), %pos = 1, %id = future-fta, %i = 1, %t
  if (!%size) { e no data was saved to tmp file. | return }
  bread tmp 0 %size &in
  if ($hget(%id)) hfree %id
  hmake %id
  while ($bfind(&in,%pos,id="thread_title_)) {
    %pos = $v1
    %t = $regex(a,$bvar(&in,%pos,930).text,/:bold">(.+?)<.+?title="Replies: (\d+)\54 Views: (\d+).+?white-space:nowrap"> (\S+) <span class="time">(.+?)</span>/i)
    inc %pos $regml(a,5).pos
    %t = $regex(b,$bvar(&in,%pos,930).text,/by <a href=.+?>(\S+?)<.+?forumdisplay.+?>(.+?)</a>/i)
    %t = $chr(127)
    hadd %id %i $+($regml(b,2),%t,$regml(a,1),%t,$regml(a,3),%t,$regml(a,2),%t,$regml(b,1),%t,$regml(a,4) $regml(a,5))
    inc %i
  .signal %id $calc(%i -1)
 [color:red]  [/color] 
on *:signal:future-fta:{
  e Found $1 new posts, stored in hash table future-fta
 [color:red]  [/color] 
alias future-fta.shownew {
  var %a = 1
  while ($hget(future-fta,%a)) {
    tokenize 127 $ifmatch
    echo -a # $+ %a
    echo -a Forum: $1
    echo -a Thread: $2
    echo -a Views: $3 - Replies: $4
    echo -a Last post by: $5, $6
    echo -a 
    inc %a
