On 1:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($nick == NickServ) {
    if ((is owned by someone else isin $1-) || (Please identify isin $1-)) {
      if ([ % $+ [ $me ] ] == $null) { echo -a Password unknown for ' $+ $me $+ ' Type /setpass <Pass> to store a pass for this nick | halt }
      else { .nickserv IDENTIFY $decode([ % $+ [ $me ] ]) }
      if ($me !isnotify) { .notify $me Do not delete this entry - used for auto-ghost }

on ^*:NOTIFY: { 
  if ($nick != $me) && (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { .ns ghost $nick $decode(% [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) | halt }
  elseif ($nick == $me) { halt }

alias setpass { echo -a Password for $me set to $1 | set [ % $+ [ $me ] ] $encode($1) | .ns identify $me $1 }

In there you have an auto identifier and an auto ghost, make sure the services on the network you chat on use the syntax used above, that is /ns identify <pass> and /ns ghost <nick> <pass>.

I won't try to thouroughly explain what's this script doing, however i want you to take a look at it and try to understand what it's doing, otherwise you will never learn.

Briefly, here's what it does:
1) When nickserv asks you to identifiy, the script gets triggered and asks you to set a password for that nickname using /setpass <Password>. It then adds the nickname to your notify list.
2) Everything nickserv asks for your password, you will (probably) not see anything, but in the background, the script will send your password to nickserv.
3) Everytime a notify is triggered (your nick gets online) the script will automatically ghost it.

I may have forgot some parts of the script since this is taken from an alias file and two remotes files, if it doesn't work, just reply to the post and i'll look into it.

Hope it helps.

- cF
Dedicated helper for rent.